Being specialists in vehicle security we understand the importance of protecting your vehicle. As well as offering tailored security solutions, we have put together security packages to give you total peace of mind and ensuring your vehicle is safe whilst on the road and on your drive.
Price from: £999.99 supplied and fitted.*
Protect your vehicle with our Ghost 2 Immobiliser, S5 ScorpionTrack tracker and a forward facing Thinkware Dash Cam package to ensure your vehicle will be safe.
Ghost 2 Immobiliser
We firstly install a Ghost 2 Immobiliser, one of the strongest immobilisation products available, it uses a unique code within the vehicle to override it which only you will know.
ScorpionTrack S5 Tracker
We then add a ScorpionTrack S5 Tracker with a key tag to allow you to monitor the tracker yourself. If this vehicle is moved or taken without the key tag present, then Cobra will get the alert to start the ball rolling to get your vehicle back.
Thinkware F200 Pro Dash Cam
Finally, for the Dash Cam we use the Thinkware F200 Pro. This will record day-to-day activity when you're using a vehicle, but also has a park mode feature for when the vehicle is parked.
* The ScorpionTrack S5 Tracker has an annual yearly subscription of £150.
Contact us for a quote